Andrew Fiore

NES Internal BlueRetro Kit Announced

The developers at ENDURR Technologies have announced an internal BlueRetro mod that will allow for low-lag Bluetooth controller connectivity to the original NES. Preorders were announced to go live later this month on the APE Industries site.   Developer Aaron Peckler (@Beardanidas) shared that the kit will be compatible with any region front-loader NES (model NES-001) […]

Andrew Fiore

PicoGUS brings UltraSound to retro computers

Vintage PC enthusiasts should keep their ear out for the PicoGUS, an RPi Pico-based soundcard that emulates the Gravis UltraSound. Updates and more information about the PicoGUS can be found on developer Ian Scott’s Twitter (@ianpolpo) and GitHub, linked below.  The Gravis UltraSound (“GUS”) is a soundcard released in 1992 for IBM-compatible PCs. Developer Ian […]

Andrew Fiore

PhantomX: A Raspberry Pi-based X68000 Accelerator

The following sites are written in Japanese but can be translated to English in some browsers. Read the developer’s technical documentation and installation instructions here: Purchase the PhantomX here (does not include Raspberry Pi; international shipping availability may be limited): Follow the PhantomX developer GIMON here: The developer GIMONS recently introduced a […]

Andrew Fiore

dedeco is DJing mixes that highlight electronic VGM

✨dedeco✨ mixes electronic video game music DJ sets that make you dance, chill, or consider the genre’s relationship to video games in a new way. Check out his YouTube channel to hear sets that dive deep into subgenres, or find sets that feature classics like WipEout and Bomberman.  YouTube Channel: SoundCloud: Patreon: […]

Andrew Fiore

PlayStation 3D Display Overview and Buying Guide

Over 10 years ago, Sony released a PlayStation branded 3D display for use with the PlayStation 3. Almost ten years later, this display is an accessible and compact way to experience high-definition 3D content at home, PlayStation, and otherwise.   Preliminary Resources PlayStation 3D Display Announcement – PlayStation Blog PlayStation 3D Display Review – CNET […]

Andrew Fiore

PS2 Recommended RetroTink-5x Pro Settings

Wobbling Pixels has shared recommended RetroTINK-5X Pro settings for use with the PlayStation 2. This video demonstrates both NTSC and PAL signals across a variety of game output options and RetroTINK enhancements, including widescreen, scanlines, CRT simulation, pre-deinterlacing, and smoothing filters. Watch the video above to see what settings make PlayStation 2 classics like Gran […]