Super Nintendo / Super Famicom

All original (large) versions of the Super Nintendo and Super Famicom (NTSC & PAL) can output RGB without a modification – All that’s required is the proper cable.  The SNES Mini / SNES Jr. outputs a better signal then most of the large versions, but requires a modification to get RGB.  Please scroll down for more information:

Super Nintendo / Super Famicom RGB Cables and sync information

This page describes in detail which RGB cables to buy and which will output proper sync.

SNES Version Compare

This page shows you the different versions of the SNES and compares the video quality of each of the revisions.

SNES Mini RGB Info

The SNES Mini / Jr requires a modification to enable RGB output.  This page provides information on the different SNES Mini RGB mods available.

SNES 1CHIP Revision

The SNES “1CHIP” consoles are the only revisions in the original case that output video quality as good as the SNES Mini.  This page has information on these consoles, methods to find them and ways to enhance them.

SNES Digital Audio Mod

The SNES is capable of outputting SPDIF digital audio.

SNES Vertical Line

This page describes the SNES “vertical line” issue and ways to fix it.


This page shows tips for SNES systems, such as fixing a loose cartridge release lever and a quick mod to play NTSC-J games on NTSC systems.

1CHIP / Mini Ghosting Fix

While the 1CHIP/Mini’s have sharper video, some have a “ghosting” effect that bothers some people.  Here’s a quick fix.


There’s also S-Video cables available for all original SNES/SFC consoles.  They will not work with the SNES Mini without a mod though:

Retro Gaming Cables NTSC S-Video Cable

Retro-Access NTSC Coax S-Video Cable

Insurrection Industries NTSC S-Video Cable


If you’d like info on mods for other systems, head to the Getting RGB From Each System page or check out the main page for more retro-awesomeness.