Are you one of the rare, elite teams looking to stream your arcade setups in perfect RGB quality? If so, pay attention to this page, as it will soon be hosting the ideal timings for arcade boards when used with the OSSC.
Voltage Warning!!!
Please check your RGBs output voltages with an oscilloscope before using the OSSC!!! Improper voltages can kill your OSSC and other SCART equipment! Your video RGB lines should be around 660mV and sync should be between 250mV and 900mV for SCART. Sync can be up to 5v for the VGA input, but there is no low-pass filter on the VGA port, making SCART the desirable input.
Here’s an example of sync from a supergun with a SCART cable that isn’t properly attenuated. If used on the SCART input of the OSSC without attenuation, it would be damaged or completely broken:
More safety info coming soon!
Arcade Board Timings:
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Line2x set from generic to optimal 320×240
go to sampling options
Go to adv timing of 320×240
H. Samplerate 426
H synclen 31
H backporch 62
H active 332
V synclen 3
V back porch 18
V active 255
Line3x set from generic to optimal 320×240
go to sampling options
Go to adv timing of 320×240
H. Samplerate 400
H synclen 35
H backporch 49
H active 320
V synclen 5
V back porch 14
V active 260
Arcade Board #1
Video LFP = 95MHz
B/Pb Gain = 52
G/Y Gain = 59
R/Pr Gain = 53
B/Pb Offset = 159
G/Y Offset = 158
R/Pr Offset = 158
As an FYI, for console timing, please see FirebrandX‘s OSSC page: