Wobbling Pixels has just released an excellent video showing how to get the most performance out of your SNES – and that includes both 1-CHIP and earlier models – using the RetroTINK 5x and it’s latest firmware. There’s also tips on CRT filters and info for composite and S-Video users in both NTSC and PAL regions. If you own an RT5x and a SNES, this is a must watch!
Discord Server (check experimental channel): https://discord.gg/jE6deAhjCM
Update firmware: https://www.retrorgb.com/how-to-update-your-retrotinks-firmware.html
Mac / Linux Firmware Update: https://www.retrorgb.com/update-retrotink-products-on-mac-linux.html
As always, it’s important to note that you don’t need to do any of this! If you’re just looking to connect your console to your TV, simply plug it into the RT5x and select your input. That’s it. All this tweaking is just for us retro super nerds…but now that the RT5x supports profiles, it means you only need to tweak once, then save it to a profile slot. It’s still a bit of work, but in my opinion, worth it for your favorite consoles!